Ainsley got all dressed up to go to church for the first time. It's her very first public appearance.

I think any parent would agree the first time your child smiled at you (not the I'm gassy and I need to be burped smile) is a truly magical moment. From this point on, every smile she flashes at me simply just melts my heart.

This Thanksgiving Ainsley got to meet some of her extended families. Cousin Ellen was born only two weeks after Ainsley. They stroke up a friendship as they napped side by side.

Ever since Ainsley's born, everyone wondered who she looks like more, mommy or daddy. The answer was revealed in the third month. She is truly her father's daughter.
The big difference between the third month and the two previous months is Ainsley became much more interactive. She started to smile and tried to imitate words. It is amazing to see how much progress she's made in such a short time.