This past Sunday, the Kim family visited the Lee family, our fellow neighbor in Teaneck. Ainsley and Ryan had loads of fun and promised each other future play dates (daddy didn't like the word "dates").
Daddy, don't I look cute in this pink outfit? I guess I'll have to put up with all the kisses since he's my daddy and he changes my poopie diapers. Daddy wake up! I want to play horsey. Daddy, you can let go. No hands! I can stand on my own. I'm a big girl now.
Ainsley started on solid food this week. It took her a little time to figure out what was going on. We think she really enjoyed her first meal. She certainly cleaned the plate.
Ainsley's hair tends to defy gravity and grows upward. If she ever decides to become a rock star, at least she wouldn't need to change her hair. Look, I can hold my own bottle. Pretty soon, I can change my own diaper, give myself a bath and maybe even cook my parents dinner (okay, mommy likes to dream a bit).
Ainsley loves to sit in the rocking chair and chill. This is Ainsley's first christmas. She had no idea why she was dressed up and showed around the room to everyone. In fact, she slept most of the day. Ainsley was having fun during tummy time. Mommy and daddy were very proud that she can lift her head and chest up.