The past a few weeks have been quite a trial for all of us. Ainsley came down with a fever about two weeks ago. After five days of minimal sleep, constant crying and many trips to the pediatrician's office, she's finally diagnosed with a rare condition called Kawasaki Disease. She's admitted to the hospital. Thank God she responded well to treatment and came home after one night. It was a very difficult time for me. To see your child suffer and was powerless to help was more than I can bear. I thought a lot about how God must felt to send his only son to this world, in the form of a helpless baby, to suffer through illnesses and pain only to die on the cross. I cannot imagine the pain that God must felt watching Jesus dying on the cross. How do we deserve such love? It has made me realize that I cannot protect Ainsley from all the realities of the this world. I thank God every day that He's in control and He's Ainsley's heavenly father. We took these pictures while we were in the hospital to remind us how fortunate we are. Every day and every smile is priceless.
1 comment:
awww... so Ainsley is well & sound now? :) yeah, there is so little we can do... thank God that He is there watching over us.. & the little ones... take care~~~
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